My Portfolios Highlights
Educational background,Work experience,Personal projects and Institutions I Volunteered to.
I have gone a head looking foward for the developements under (Nural and Physical) Technology Status concerning my man wood and everyone future developments under ICT.
- In ACWICT, I concluded as Graphic Designer,Network and Security engeneer.
- KHSS Company ended up as a Security Officer.
- SHOFCO for lives ended up as a Pc engineer.
- HELB for Education ended up as an ICT Technitian.
Due to the act of willing to do any thing I have gone a head with Technology to the extend of being a reference ground for the young developers for real at personal extend.
Contact Us
K20 Langata Estate
Raila, Nairobi 41352-00100
+254 7-9216 6632
+254 7-521 5518